I was on a BlogTalkRadio show two days ago. If you don't know who Jenn Brockman is, she runs a blog and hosts a internet radio show, called Special Needs Kids. It is the first time beyond this blog, that I have been recorded and archived.
I tell you was as nervous as a groom on the wedding morning! I know it was just her and I talking over the phone. I know there wasn't a huge audience, but the potential of others listening today, tomorrow and even a year from now was a daunting idea.
I got through it okay, and received a lot of good feedback from friends. I could embed the player here, but it has a bad habit of turning on immediately once the page loads whether you want to hear it or not. So, I decided to put a link here and you can listen to it at Jenn Brockmans BlogTalkRadio page.
Let me know what you think!
Oh, and BTW, I have a chance to be on next week again, discussing Virtual Education in Maryland with a wonderful group of women from the non-profit group, Emerging Minds of Maryland. Put in a reminder on Jenn's page if you can join us or listen in archive.
It will be nice to be able to shrink back into the corner and let others have the spotlight. Once was enough for awhile!