Two or three blogposts ago, I announced that I would be resurrecting my old business, An Extra Hand Services. Poor thing, she doesn't even have a website yet! Not even a email. For now, the little company that could is just trying to breathe its first breath.
But, as God would have it, yes, I am mentioning God, good things have already begun to happen the very day after that post. You may call it the Law of Attraction or a superior power, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is the real changes and miracles that happened within a week.
Within this one week, people have just been walking up to me and blessing me with money. I don't know if they know our plight, but they come up with some silly reason, like, "oh, thank you for driving my daughter to school the other day, Here's $20.00."
Now, you and I both know a car ride for less than 3 minutes would never cost that, but she pressed it into my hand and walked away.
Here's another one. My brother, who borrowed some money from us last year and never paid, sent us a check. For the whole thing. $1500.
I know I don't have to put numbers out there, but numbers speak volumes. I want you to know this is real.
And, just yesterday, I discovered a service that I would love to offer through my newly re-birthed company. It is called Send Out Cards. This, to me, is just the kind of thing I like. Something that can make a big difference with just a little time.
Sent Out Cards allows you to pick a "real" card from over 10,000 cards online, personalize it, even upload a picture and then somewhere in Utah, they print a real card with your words and send it to whoever you want.
A real card, everyone. Not an e-card with an expiration date on it. A real card stock greeting card with a REAL stamp on the envelope. Of course, I am knocking my head and going, "Why didn't I think of that?"
In these days of Twitterific tweets, e-chain mail and suspicious links, wouldn't it be nice to get a real card in the mail? I sure think so.
I think it is such a great idea that I am offering to send a free card to 10 people who email me with their addresses. Or better yet, I will send it to someone for you. And then I will blog about the results and your comments.
Send your addresses to: agapepantry@yahoo.com (this is a 2nd email address I have. Must tell you the idea behind that one day!) The first ten full mailing addresses I receive, I will send card to it. It could be to you or to someone you know needs to get a card right now. Tell me what kind of card you want sent. And, what you want it to say on your behalf. I just want you to see how easy this is. And, if I could do it, you could do it, right from your computer.
Also, send me your birthdays. Once I get them into their easy-to-navigate contact manager, I will never forget them again (I usually forget EVERY year!)
If there are any businesses out there that would like more information, please send an email to that address as well. I am setting up commercial accounts and am happy to be your back office and help you reach out to your customers, clients, prospects, friends and family. In these recessionary times, it will be appreciated so much more. A real card with real sentiment. There is even a way to send in your own handwriting so that you can "type" in your own handwriting.
An Extra Hand Services is proud to be a independent distributor of Send Out Cards.
View the video below to see a heartwarming true story related to Send Out Cards:
Send Out Cards Intro DVD
And, don't forget those addresses, and your names!