Just a short message today.
The kids have to get haircuts today and we need to do grocery shopping. I am starting the third week of new classes and the work will begin to pile up from here on out. I love how teachers lull you in the beginning and then BAM!, read 8 chapters and give me 2000 words on this inane subject written in APA style.
But I digress.
I just wanted to let everyone know...WE HAVE HEAT!
Yes, our homeowners' insurance office sent someone over to look at our poor old furnace. It turned out to be a busted thermostat (!!) and a connection that needed to be reset on the furnace. Another person told us that the gas valve had died and the whole furnace needed to be replaced...to the tune of $1800.
The guy from the insurance told us that even though it is the original furnace: "you know, they don't make them like this anymore and you have more life left to it."
In other words, the furnace is fine. *Sigh*
All I can say is paying the $335 was better than $1800...and my Popsicle Toes have thawed out.