This is a repost from Patricia Bauer's blog, Disability News. She has a wonderful blog full of news and tidbits that I usually don't find anywhere else. Even though I am just starting out following disability blogs, I enjoy her approach to the material she reposts. Please visit her blog. Click on the Title for the direct link to the post.
The 16-year old in the Unique Family is getting ready to tackle the SATs and the ACTs. I cannot even believe we are discussing this. There was a time when I held no hopes for college or even a high school diploma. And yet, he is here.
Within her post, she mentions a site that is collecting information on colleges and universities that are making strides in providing transitional services, inclusion and assistance for our children to continue on into college.
For my son, we are going to try to go. I am not sure what that future holds, but the opportunities are there for him, and we intend to take them. I will have more on this as the weeks go by. His first SAT test will be in May and his ACT in June. I am looking into SAT prep for him now.
Life is not easy. Especially when you are in a family of invisible illnesses and disabilities. It can be serious, funny and downright hard! But we make it. Just like everyone else. We just do it in a different style.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Repost: College Chances Grow for Those with Intellectual Disabilities