Life is not easy. Especially when you are in a family of invisible illnesses and disabilities. It can be serious, funny and downright hard! But we make it. Just like everyone else. We just do it in a different style.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rose Pictures and All the About the Garden
These is for Mia, a blogger/Tweeter who said my flowers reminded her of her the kind her grandmother grew.
This rose bush has been rather persnickety and I am not sure I will get anything this year. These are pictures from the first two years. I literally had to dig it up because we live on a corner end-unit house and no matter what I did, there always was some sort of blight or dusty white stuff or little crawly bugs.
It now resides in our gazebo (yes, we have a gazebo. Got it dirt cheap and paid friends in pizza and movies to put it up). Hopefully it will come back again.
Here in Maryland, all you have is clay soil, and I can no longer till the land and garden the way I loved to before. It was back-breaking and I am in a losing battle with the honeysuckle and ivy taking over my fence.
So, these days, I am relegated to container gardening, which I actually love more, because I get to rearrange everything over and over again. Hopefully, once it is warm, I can blog more about this and put up some video of the raised bed, the only piece of land (dug it up and put down 5 bags of organic soil) that has survived into the 3rd year.
Did I mention I have 13 trees in my yard? Wait until spring and then we can really talk.